23 with crohns disease

by michelle

hi i am 23 and just found out i have got crohns i really just want to speak to someone with crohns as i just feel my life isnt going to be very good as all the storys i am reading people are really bad with it need some good news really

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23 with crohns disease NEW
by: Annette Young

Hi there,

Thanks for writing in. I know it must seem like it's all doom and gloom when you read up on this disease but it's not. I won't lie that you won't have difficult times ahead but some suffer with it more than others and the disease affects people very differently- so the key is to understand it.

The main thing to do is to establish how it affects you and to read up on the disease. Don't do the bury head in the sand approach, the more you can learn, the better you will be and you will know how to side-step potential triggers. Knowledge gives confidence and helps you to learn to live with and to still enjoy your life and, of course to achieve your goals.

There are many triggers that can cause painful flare-ups, stress, smoking, alcohol but also even the foods that you eat. Go for the simplest diet possible, even puree your food if necessary. Take the pressure off of the digestive process. Make sure you are taking all necessary vitamins and minerals - supplements if necessary and even when the disease seems to go into a remmissive state, continue with your medication.

Try to avoid stress. Practice deep breathing techniques, learn meditation, keep fit and healthy in between any bouts of pain. Sleep as much as you need when fatigued, work with your body and not against it.

I attach a link which will give you some more information http://www.healthline.com/health/crohns-disease

I wish you much luck,
Do let us know how you get on.


Help for Crohn's
by: Anonymous

Vitamin D3 deficiency is a major factor for Crohn's.
Try like myself taking the above dosage, but always
with a spoon of Flax or Fish oil, to optimize absorption. Vitamin D will give you energy. Eliminate sugars and replace with Honey
in everything! Honey is a mono-saccharides, and easily
digested by Crohn's afflicted bowels, therefore less
bacterial growth that causes inflammation.
Try also take 1/2 tspn of Manuka Honey, on empty stomach 1 hour before a meal. It heals any wound inside and outside the body!!! I tried it when I had
pain from Crohn's attack, and the pain was gone.($12 a small jar) but lasts for a long time.
Try to avoid smoking, and coffee only once a day or every other day!
Instead of coffee, to be alert and awake, put a dash or two of CAYENNE PEPPER
into 1/2 cup of warm water, or into salads, soups, any dishes. It does
wonders! It also takes pain away!!!

You will not regret implementing the above suggestions, as you are getting
them from a Crohn's sufferer like yourself, who is mature in years, and with
experience, and who has tried everything.
I have many more helpful suggestions for emergency situations.
If you'd like to get the information, you can e-mail me: blueiris0000@yahoo.com

If you don't try, you'll never know...

Check with your G.P. your thyroid level,
and hemoglobin level as well.
You might need Iron pill (better from vegetable
source), www.vitacost.com sells them cheaply - Item #CTL4026594. Take 3 a day with vitamin C - 500-1000 mg, for 3 months.

by: Anonymous

hi i am 26 and have had chrons for 12yrs its hard to start with but u get used to it. go on the nacc website u can get loads of info from here i live a normal life and only worry when i flare up i also have a 2 yr old little boy

by: Anonymous

Hi im Helen i was diagnosed at the age of 20 i am now 33. I have 2 children and am a youth worker. I have a very good life even though i am in pain every day. I have tried lots of medication but am now currently not taking anything. I just live with it and am glad it isnt anything worse.

Take control
by: Anonymous

One thing that really gets my goat is that the doctors really don't know what causes the disease and they are only treating symptoms. Many people manage their Crohn's by diet and supplements alone, but if you ask a doctor, they can't tell you that. It is not a Medical Association approved protocol. In fact one person who was asked by his doctor how he was controlling his Crohn's symptoms told the doctor about using diet and supplements. The doctor replied, "You may think that's how you're doing it." How patronizing is that? Anyway, for some diet info try: http://www.scdiet.org/
Also, make sure to take a multivitamin (no Iron) and extra vitamins E and C (helps with inflammation). Finally, and possibly crucially, you need to add a whey supplement. Look for one that is 98-100% lactose free with no added sugar or FOS and not chocolate flavored.

It's not all bad
by: Kim

Hey I am a mother of two as well. I am 32 years old and was diagnosed with Crohns disease in November 2007. I went through a lot of tests before they finally did the colonoscopy. I was in pain, but not severely so. My main problem was the constant need to use the bathroom. Now that I know what's wrong and have begun taking medicine to treat it, I feel a lot better. Yes, there are plenty of horror stories out there about Crohns, but not all Crohns sufferers have the moderate to severe cases. A lot just have the mild cases, which make it no less problematic sometimes. So, do what I do, hang in there and do whatever it takes to keep yourself upbeat, not just for you, but also for your kids.

a normal life with crohns?
by: michelle

hi im 23 years old with 2 children 2 and 4, i have been diagnosed with crohns about 12 weeks ago, but i do know now of people around me that have had it for years and i didnt even know so that makes me feel alot better my landlord as crohns and his life is pretty much normal, i have got myself down over last few days reading loads of bad stories of people with crohns but pulled myself out of that now as there are children suffering and people who have cancer, as far as i can see it my life asnt ended and i wont let this spoil the rest of my life and it doesnt in most people yes the pain is hard but somme people only get few flare ups in there lifes and lead a normal life.

i am where you are
by: trish

hey i won't say don't worry cause i do all the time i just broke down last night because i am sick of all the pain, cause of crohns i have lower back problems and arthritis among other things but i've learned that it's good to get counseling because this is a depressing disease. it helps to have people you can talk to everyday that wont get tired of hearing how much you think your life sucks. just keep in mind to watch your stress and figure out what diet works for you get counseling so you have someone there to listen no matter what. but no this is not a horrible disease for everyone. some do everything right and it still goes wrong (me)others get lucky and it hardly bugs them IF they take care of them selves. i feel just like you do though like i dont have a happy future but sometimes i'm able to see the positive if you want to chat more email me at lilbitnutty247@hotmail.com

good news
by: Anonymous

take things a day at a time . something will be there for us soon .

good news
by: Anonymous

take things a day at a time . something will be there for us soon .

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