constant flair ups

by stuart hayward

i recently have started having more and more flair ups,and keep getting infections and blockages,
doctors just keep throwing more and more medication down my throat,
i take multivitamins daily and cod liver oil and my diet is pretty healthy,
any suggestions

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Constant Flair-ups NEW
by: Annette

Hello there,
I'm sorry to hear that the number of flare-ups that you are experiencing are steadily growing. It's a very frustrating aspect of Crohn's disease and it is quite difficult to determine why you are getting more than usual.

When newly diagnosed with Crohn's, many people are not aware of the seriousness of the condition and therefore do not understand that treatment is for a long time and not just to get the disease initially under control. As the disease progresses or time passes, it's easier to understand that you have to learn to live with the disease.

Stopping or reducing your medication can lead to flare-ups and complications can ensue. You can develop fistulas and your intestines can narrow. It's far better to stay on the medications. Why fix something that already works? Obviously if your meds are not working, seek additional medical advice.

You may be amazed by how just the little things can actually cause a flare-up by triggering a response. It's a good idea to keep a food diary and to keep food as plain as possible so that it can help you to digest food more easily. You can introduce other foods a little at a time to see if it is ok but don't overload your system. It's also quite a way to determine if something is a trigger albeit a sometimes painful way of finding out.

Problem foods include hard to digest content but it's a good idea to limit dairy products and high-fiber foods also. Reduce consumption of alcohol as this can trigger a flare-up, reduce fizzy drinks but instead drink more water or vegetable juices for example.

Try to keep stress at a minimum too. Too much pressure and anxiety can certainly tip the balance and make life a bit more difficult health-wise. Preempting problems can help to reduce flare-ups substantially but as no-one really knows why Crohn's disease affects some people, it's very much a case of working out why your body is reacting the way it does. Try to eliminate triggers and take care of yourself as much as you can before and during the flare-ups.

That's all you can do really.

Best of luck.

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