Could it be Crohn's disease?
by Julia
(United kingdom)
My 12 year old son has been having stomach cramps and nausea, along with diarrhea and constipation and extreme fatigue for 10 weeks, following a bout of diarrhea and cramps that escalated into vomiting, extreme pain, high fever. He was rushed to hospital with suspected appendicitis. Since then we have been back and forth for numerous blood tests, xray, and an ultrasound scan. Apart from an initial result showing a raised imflammatory level, all the tests have proved normal. However my son is far from well. He is afraid to eat, afraid to go to school, and afraid to participate in normal 12 year old activities which he always loved, such as footie, rugby, laserquest, bowling and riding his bike. He has missed weeks of school and when he does attend he is sent home. We are being referred to a paediatric gastroenterologist at last!! As all his tests have been "normal", I wonder has this been the experience of anyone else who has actually been diagnosed with crohn's.