Crohns and Social Security Disability
by Sally
I have had Crohns since 1983, had many many doctors and hospital stays before I was diagnosed with Crohns. I moved to a different state in 1987, didnt request my medical files from doctors or hospitals. I had been in remission, with flare-ups periodically. Once I moved to a different state, I had no medical insurance, which stopped me from going to get medical attention, just dealt with the flare-ups I did have over the years. I tried to get medical records (25 years later) but no hospital or doctors that I was seen by back then have any records.
I have since gone for a colonoscopy, diagnosed with Crohns and I am now applying for social security disability. My question is, do people really get it for their Crohns? I wished I had known back in 1983 that I couldnt have applied, I'm not even sure if Crohns Disease was on the disability list. I did have to quit my job back in 83, just didnt think it was fair to my co-workers the amount of time that I called out sick because of my Crohns. I do have a lawyer that is helping me getting disability but was just wondering if its possible to actually get disability? I do have my new records and images from the surgeon who did my colonoscopy and CAT scan. Diagnosed with Crohns. Its kind of funny cause when I went to my primary doctor for a follow-up, he told me I didnt have Crohns, so I showed him the paperwork that the surgeon sent me and then he asked me where I got those from? Told him from the surgeon who did the colonoscopy. I am now going to a gastro. doctor who has put me back on medication and prednisone and wants to do another colonoscopy, she'd like to go all the way up and be able to get a biopsy whereas the surgeon could only get a biopsy from the beginning. I'm sorry for going on and on,,,I was just wondering if you knew of people who are getting social security disability? any help would be greatly appreciated.