General help
My girl friend has Crohns. She was diagnosed about two years ago. She doesnt show the classic symptoms of crohns though in the sense that she rarely if ever experiences diarrhea. She goes days on end without a bowel movement. She has many of the other symptoms though (blockage of the intestine from scar tissues, psoriasis, joint pain etc). The psoriasis in particular has gotten terrible it's now on both of her feet on the underside and both hands underside as well. She stays in constant pain from the cracked skin.
Recently she gets tired very easily and im begining to worry that she is becoming anemic. She's on Remicade and a few other common drugs prescribed for the side effects and related problems that accompany crohns.
I'm not certain why im writing on the forum except to say i'm scared to death. She's a hard head and won't take easily to holistic or natural treatments. I'm just the opposite I don't trust most doctors. To me theyre much like a mechanic, go to ten different ones and get ten different answers.
All I know is that the treatments she is currently undergoing dont seem to be working very well. I dont want to lose her, the future is so uncertain these days and her health seems to be going slowly down hill.
If anyone is familiar with this type of crohns and can offer up some solid advice as to what herbs or other natural treatments will work along with remicade etc I would be forever in your debt if you would share any information you have on it. My hopes are that advice from other folks living with crohns might nake her take a more serious look at alternatives and give her a little light at the end of her tunnel. Her bouts of depression these days are getting worse and worse.