Need to vent

by Shawna

I just needed to vent to people who would understand. I am really tired of co-workers thinking everytime they see me running to the bathroom that I am contagious with the flu. I have talked to them about Crohn's and have even asked if they would like me to bring in some reading materials to better understand the disease.They seem to think it's just "Diarrhea". I wish that was the case. I had to leave work early because it's one of those days were you are SO TIRED and cannot leave the restroom. Then like everyone else I worry about missing work, but that is the nature of this disease. No real topic here, I just really needed to vent. Thanks for listening..

Shawna =)

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Need to vent NEW
by: Annette Young

I think many people find it incredibly hard to discuss how Crohn's affects them. I used to work as part of a Human Resources team and we were very keen to understand just what the employees were going through.

I know a lot of people who have Crohn's disease and I 'm often amazed by the stories of how they are made to feel in the workplace. Employers have a duty of care to look after your needs and we all know that Crohn's isn't always the most easiest of health conditions to talk about.

You may be aware that stress can make the condition much worse so if you get yourself worked up about your employers or colleagues, it will only affect your Crohn's in the long run. Try to realise that actually unless there is greater awareness of the condition, how would they know about it?

I think you have done the right thing and have made them aware. It's not your fault that you have the disease so try not to take it to heart. If they take the time to ask you how it affects you, then tell them. There's no shame in having the condition, you're still the same person after all.

I hope you feel better for sharing your story. I am a firm believer that bottling things up is just not healthy, so vent away.

Best wishes,

crohns...bathroom....disability...etc.... NEW
by: Cathy

Boy, can I relate to your comments. I just read them, and, I know its been over a year since you posted, but, I felt like I needed to respond.
I, too, felt like I was being watched every time I ran to the bathroom. "There she goes again"...."You are in the bathroom, again?" All the comments and really no support. I know and understand exactly how you feel.
Crohns is a disease for which there is no cure. You are tired, irritable, constant bouts of diarrhea, constipation, feeling like you have the flu, when you do not, but, the symptoms go on and on. I was diagnosed at 16 in 1968 and have had all the surgeries, some of which were not successful, have neuropathy of legs and feet. So on and so on. No need to go into it know what I am talking about because you have this disease to cope with.
I retired last year and did go on disability.
Hang in there....its NOT an easy will have to fight every step of the way, unfortunately...but, do not give up.....find someone to advocate for you and with you. I send my best to you. Keep in touch if you like.

Help for Crohn's
by: Anonymous

Vitamin D3 deficiency is a major factor for Crohn's.
Try like myself taking the above dosage, but always
with a spoon of Flax or Fish oil, to optimize absorption. Vitamin D will give you energy. Eliminate sugars and replace with Honey
in everything! Honey is a mono-saccharides, and easily
digested by Crohn's afflicted bowels, therefore less
bacterial growth that causes inflammation.
Try also take 1/2 tspn of Manuka Honey, on empty stomach 1 hour before a meal. It heals any wound inside and outside the body!!! I tried it when I had
pain from Crohn's attack, and the pain was gone.($12 a small jar) but lasts for a long time.
Try to avoid smoking, and coffee only once a day or every other day!
Instead of coffee, to be alert and awake, put a dash or two of CAYENNE PEPPER
into 1/2 cup of warm water, or into salads, soups, any dishes. It does
wonders! It also takes pain away!!!

You will not regret implementing the above suggestions, as you are getting
them from a Crohn's sufferer like yourself, who is mature in years, and with
experience, and who has tried everything.
I have many more helpful suggestions for emergency situations.
If you'd like to get the information, you can e-mail me:

If you don't try, you'll never know...

Check with your G.P. your thyroid level,
and hemoglobin level as well.
You might need Iron pill (better from vegetable
source), sells them cheaply - Item #CTL4026594. Take 3 a day with vitamin C - 500-1000 mg, for 3 months.

Need to vent
by: Connie

I understand your frustration. My co-workers laugh at me, but they make way and are understanding. They know I never complain unless truly necessary. I had not missed a sick day in seven years until I was stricken with the initial attack last November. I missed three weeks then. I was just thankful to be alive at that point. Be patient. One of them may be sharing your torment one of these days.

Bathroom visits
by: Cindy

I know it is hard trying to act natural when going to the bathroom. I try to hide a wipe in my sock or stocking before going in. And the times we have to go in, leave and go right back into the bathroom gets a little embarrasing to I'm glad you vented because it is a real issue.

I understand
by: Anonymous

I completely understand your frustration. I had to miss work three times this past week and it has been awful trying to make up all those hours. Most of all if i could just go to the restroom at work without anyone noticing that i left the meeting early or that i have made more than one stop at the restroom in the last hour it would be such a matter how much this disease has tried to take from me, the last thing it is going to take is my dignity! Don't feel bad and hang in there, it is like all things in life, they will never really understand it unless they are living with it themselves.

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