Puberty with crohns

by Louise

I'm 13 nearly 14 in year 9 at school, I am smallest of my friends and everyone else is a lot taller than me. My mom is only 5 2" and dad 5 10", but my mom and every other female else in my family has larger chests, and everyone at school has started periods & there chests are all developing. I hate it because I'm still the same, I can physically see everyone else changing and nothing's happening at alll with me, I don't grow ect ect. Is this because of crohns?? Was diagnosed 2 years ago and started on liquid diet which didn't work, followed by steroids and then for about 1 year 1/2 azathirprine. Still not in reminission. Can some one please tell me??

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Steroids stunt growth
by: Kit Campbell

The steroids you have been given to deal with the symptoms called 'Crohn's Disease' take over your immune system and will stunt growth - as they are designed to do, even though the target process is as an anti-inflammatory.
Look more to the cause of your symptoms.
The environment causing this is what you need to remove in order to repair.
I turned around a bleeding bowel in 7 days and wrote a book about it. The Irritable Brain Syndrome.
Now I help others help themselves.
Check out my website and if you have any questions, contact me :)
All the best for your journey.

Puberty with Crohns
by: Elise

Dear Louse, I do hope you get into remission real soon & be able to take in the nutrition that your body needs. You are still at the age that you might still get a growth spurt. Best to be able to get an answer about growth is having an x-ray done to see if your growth plates show if you will grow taller. Whatever height you are and I know it might bother you now but I had Crohns since way before your age and the best feeling is when one can be in remission & be able to function better at a better healthier feeling. If height bothers you a lot just watch all the Little People on TV if you get that (or search it on Youtube) and it might make you feel better about such.



There is no relation between puberty and chrons disease.But you may have nutrient deficiency.
When you have flare up liquid diet along with medication will work good.There is nothing wrong
in getting puberty at later age.

God bless !!!!

Chrons patient

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