thinning of the ileum

by Joni
(Greenup IL USA)

I have just been diagnosed with chrons, they say that the lining in my ileum is very thin, what does this mean. I live in rural Il. and I have haad a terrrible time trying to find a Dr that explains or listens to me. someone please explain this to me.

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Impatient for your reply
by: Anonymous

I am suffering from this disease from 2 years and now I am deficient of vit b12 seriously. I believe on treatment with healthy and natugal foods and am allergic to allopathic medicines and not used to these medicines since my childhood.

What should I do?

Crohn's Disease and the Ileum NEW
by: Annette


I am sorry to hear that you have just been diagnosed with Crohns, it can be a quite frightening diagnosis and the effect from individual to individual will vary dramatically.

It is so important in these early stages that you are given proper support and guidance. I do think that some doctors become very matter of fact about the needs of a patient simply because they deal with it on a daily basis. It may be less frightening for them but they know the condition and you don't.

The ileum is one of three parts to the small intestine. The other two parts are called duodenum and jejunum. The ileum is approximately 7 feet long and is smaller than the other two parts.

It's primary function is to absorb nutrients so if you have inflammation in this area, it may affect your ability to absorb sufficient nutrients. Nutrients are broken down and absorbed by small projections known as villi within the inner wall.
The ilium has another important function and this is to break down proteins and peptides (into amino acids) along with the absorption of vitamin B12.

When you see your doctor, it is important to ask whether your body is unable to absorb nutrients sufficiently. I would take someone with you to help you to remember all that is covered as it can be difficult to recall medical information when your brain is buzzing.

Importantly, try not to worry about the condition too much. I know this is easier said than done and it's difficult to remain calm when you don't understand what is happening to your body but, anxiety and stress are known triggers.

Forums like this one offer a great deal of support and it is important that if you have concerns, then you feel able to post a message. The more you can understand about Crohn's disease, the greater your ability to be able to cope.

I hope this helps?

If anyone else has a similar diagnosis, do respond to this post. It's good that we can all help each other.

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