
by Che

Sometimes I feel so trapped at work. So many days out of the month I don't feel well and I find it hard to focus on tasks that I have no interest in. I want to go back to school but I fear taking on too much stress and making myself really sick. I need to support myself but I need to be happy. I didnt pose a question here really, I just needed to vent. Can anyone relate? How do you cope with Crohn's and work?

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Crohn's and Work NEW
by: Annette


I am sorry to read that you are feeling trapped and obviously frustrated by the impact of Crohn's disease on your life. Well done for keeping your job going even though it has been difficult for you.

This disease is chronic and far-reaching. There is no known cure as yet and the only way to cope with it alongside medical support is to develop the mindset that understands the condition and how it affects you personally.

This can help to reduce the horrible feelings of frustration at least because you then know, the only thing you can do is to work with your body to do the best that you can in life.

Taking a holistic approach simply means listening to your body. Do more when you can and rest at other times. Not always easy when your flare-ups occur whilst you are at work.

Do you have a supportive boss? It's vital that you inform your company as to your condition and to explain how it affects you. Take in some literature on Crohn's so that they can see what you might go through. You will find them more understanding as a result.

One of the side-effects of Crohn's is fatigue and it can be very hard to concentrate at work when you are feeling overwhelmingly tired. It's easy to get out of your sleep pattern too when you have this disease. But you do need to get as much sleep as possible as this will help your body to rest and to recuperate. If you struggle, use a meditation CD and this will help you to relax and to sleep more deeply.

This isn't a cure-all approach but it will help you during your working hours. There will be times when you feel more energised.

Another problem that sufferers have at work is using the toilet facilities especially alongside co-workers. There may not be anything that your company can do about this but you should voice your concerns. Many people find this aspect of Crohn's incredibly embarrassing but the only thing you can do is to realise that the disease will affect your body in this way and to not give yourself a hard time as a result.

Drink plenty of water, reduce your caffeinated drink intake and reduce or give-up alcohol and smoking. If you start getting worse, seek medical advice, don't put it off. Your medication may need to be changed after a while so go for regular check-ups and keep an eye on your health.

The good news is that the disease can suddenly seem to lose its grip on you and you may find that you have weeks, months or years of normality, don't be surprised if you experience flare-ups, just make the most of the time without pain or discomfort.

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